- We all probably remember the horrible massacre in Binghamton, New York on April 3. During the event, an adjacent building was locked down for four hours preventing the 370 workers from leaving for any reason. James Kauchis, an employee in the building, has filed a formal complaint seeking compensation for missing his lunch break. Thirteen people were killed, four others were wounded, but all this guy cares about is his lunch break. During the four hour lock down, pizza and beverages were brought in by department heads, however apparently this was not good enough. Anyone surprised this guy is a member of his union?
- Tom Tancredo, former Colorado Republican Representative, was forced to end a speech early on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Protesters shouted profanities and accusations of racism during Tancredo's introduction and once Tancredo began to speak. Police had to remove several demonstrators from the room, and then sprayed pepper spray to disperse those in the hallway trying to enter the overcrowded room. The protesters gathered outside the classroom and one fine young man broke the classroom window. In a statement that probably makes his parents so proud, UNC graduate student Tyler Oakley, who had organized the protest, said, "He was not able to practice his hate speech." "You have to respect the right of people to assemble and collectively speak." So, you want people to have the right to speak, yet only some people apparently. Now that is logic for you. By the way, the speech was about illegal immigrants getting in-state tuition rates for state colleges. Illegal immigrants, law breakers, get the privileges of law abiding citizens. Sounds peachy.
- In Quebec, a girl sued her father for grounding her, and was victorious. The girl was discovered surfing websites he had forbidden and was posting inappropriate pictures of herself online. Her father told her she would not be allowed to go on her class graduation trip. The girl then contacted a legal-aid lawyer who took the case. A court ruled in favor of the girl.
- Here we are in a recession, and lawmakers asked for nearly $200 billion in "pork-barrel projects" in 2009. Both parties get involved in this. The first and third place respectively were Senators Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker, both Republicans. Harry Reid, Senator from Nevada gave this wonderful explanation: we have always had earmarks, so we should have them now as well. Well, we have always had people living in poverty so I guess we should do nothing to help them. Same irrational logic!
What will it take to make a change? We must hold our representatives accountable for their behavior. Write letters and emails. Organize rallies. We must make our voice heard. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Normally, the fringe members of any group are the only ones heard. If we make our opinions known, things will change. If things do not change, vote out those who do not listen. Get rid of dead weight in Washington and in your state capital. Run for office or work on a campaign. Whatever you do, advocate common sense and the following of the Constitution.
I am afraid if we do not do something America will be lost. Maybe not in name, but certainly in principal. Who's with me?