Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Home renovation

I have heard it said that one of the most stressful times in a marriage is when a couple decides to build a house together. We have never done that, but we are currently in a home renovation. Our projects are:

1. Remove the wall between our dining area and den

2. New carpet

3. Central heat and air

Our house is a little over 30 years old. Every room has the original carpet except the den. I call the color of the carpet "Pentecostal Gold." I don't think that is an official Crayola color, but it should be. While we wanted to change the carpet, we ended up doing a major renovation. The idea with taking out the wall is to make a bigger living space. The openness will do several things, not the least is to add more value to our home. So the wall was the first step.

The wall's last moments.

Home renovation: The game the whole family can play!

In a matter of minutes the sheet rock was down.

After the beam was in the ceiling.

Before the carpet guys could do their job, we had to get the small things from our rooms out of the way. In case we need anything, it is probably located in the sun room.

So now we are waiting for the carpet guys to come and finish. Then next week, the heating and air is going to be done. Thank goodness for my father-in-law who has done a lot of this labor for free. Then of course, Amy handles the painting and some other details. I just do what I am told. More updates, coming soon!

Here we go...

Well, here we are. The beginning of the summer. My days are crazy. So much to do, so many items that need attention. Each late spring and summer sees thousands of folks come through my place of employment and that is when we are tested. Each week hundreds, sometimes a couple of thousand, adults, children and teenagers come through Ridgecrest. We try to make them all happy, with each age group providing its own set of challenges.

As recreation manager, this time of year I get busy. There are many demands on our space, and I am charged with juggling who gets fields or volleyball courts or gym space and when they get it. Different events require different amounts of space and meeting planners often "forget" to request recreation space until the last minute. So schedules and calendars are often just recommendations and not set in stone.

While I have the ultimate responsibility for this area, this job could not be done without the assistance of summer staff. These folks have given of themselves for the summer. We start in mid-May and do not end until mid-August. Mostly, these guys and girls are college aged, and get a relatively low salary for all they do. They demonstrate the true meaning of what "servant" means. These folks work in the rain, heat, mornings, evenings, and whenever our guests need. They provide snacks, sports tournaments, facilitate laser tag and high ropes and have to put up with me. That last part alone proves they are true saints. And while I cherish the opportunity to invest in their lives, they probably sometimes wish I would "invest" a little less.

So, if you will, occasionally offer up some prayers for: Brandon, Jim, Ian, Brittany, Rebekah, Sarah, Jeremy and Jonathan. They could sure use it.

And if you are in the area, come by and let us treat you to a Cheerwine slushie.