I do not like the gross over commercialization that has taken over this time of year. I do not like being asked if I am in the "Christmas Spirit" (whatever that is) as if it is something that should only exist a few days out of the year. I do not like shoppers brawling over the possibility of saving a few dollars on a toaster and fighting over parking places. I do not like that many women feel like they can wear the most hideous sweater, scarf or vest this time of year. I do not like that so many spend so much money on decorations at this time of the year. I do not like having a tree in my house. I do not like children's Christmas pageants. I do not like people getting so worked up when someone says, "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas."
Here is what I like about Christmas: over 300 prophesies were realized with the birth and subsequent life of one little baby. The lowest of the low in the form of shepherds were some of the first to be made aware of the birth of Jesus. Educated men traveled a great distance to bring this child gifts of great value. I like the way Joseph stood by Mary and went against normal customs when she was suddenly with child. I really like Titus 3:3-7 which is the whole Gospel message in 5 short verses.
What I like about Christmas is a little baby came and the world was changed forever. That baby grew, died and rose again. Without Christmas we do not have the rest of the story. This baby we celebrate this time of year has changed me. He can change your life too.