Everyone will be late on occasion. There is no way around it: we have a flat tire, traffic is heavier than anticipated, we forgot something and have to go back and get it, or simply do not leave when we should. I know that and understand that. Every now and then we may be in a situation where we simply underestimate how long a trip should take. Those are reasons that can be understood and forgiven.
What I do not grasp is how the same people can be late to the same places All the Time! Here is what I mean. I live in a small community and it does not take too long to get anywhere in our town. We attend a church not very far from our house. Some folks arrive at church late every week. I don't mean 5 minutes late and miss the announcements. I mean 15-20 minutes late. Sometimes these folks are even later arriving. As I said it is the same people all the time.
We have attended this church a little over 5 years. We still have the same service times. Our building has not moved. The parking lot is in the same place. Why can you not get here on time? On this I am not exaggerating, every single week the same few families arrive quite late for service. So I think the question is: why?
Growing up, I was taught if you are on time you are late and early is on time. I know I am uptight about time, and certainly not everyone feels the same way about it. Some folks would probably tell me to relax, because it is not a big deal. I disagree.
Not too long ago I had a boss that was frequently late to pretty much everything. At times, that put the rest of us in some awkward situations. He gave the impression that his time was more important than ours. And that is the rub. I think many people simply think their time is more important than the rest of the world.
Showing up late can be a power play. Someone could simply want to ensure he/she is the last in the room to make the point that the meeting cannot start without them. This gives the illusion of a type of power.
Some could simply be oblivious to anyone else. They may be so self-absorbed they do not notice how their lack of timeliness affects others.
I am sure there are other possible reasons. Regardless of the reason, chronic lateness is rude.
Now I have to go. I am late for a meeting.
Why does this have a hold on you that these people are late every time. My question is are you at Church services every Sunday for GOD or are you there because the Pastor of your church gave you the job of taking attendence ! My other question i like to asked in another blog of yours ,you were commenting on what people wear.Why does this bother you also.You sound like you are a type of person who loves to put others down no matter what they do and that you make yourself sound that you have higher quality than others.I am just a simple person , not wealthy. I try to do my best in everything i do. This is why the world is the way it is today.People are greedy and want more power !People need to start caring more about others. We have need to start caring for homeless ,child abuse,feed someone who don't have anything to eat ,take on someone who dosen't have a friend ,. If people cared more and not about,that we are going here ,we brought this, look what there wearing, there late again,what ever it might be .We may just have less killing,rapist , child abuse , homeless , and depressed people. I don't want to sound harsh i just looking for answer.