Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hope and change......?

So the big change happened. We have a new president. The news has been all over this. I cannot ever remember an inauguration that has received such coverage. Seems like the media is forcing this all down our throats, like we did not realize this was coming.

My personal opinion is we should just give the new administration a chance. Those that supported him need to recognize he is not a supreme being. Those that did not support him need to realize he is not the personification of evil. He is a man, pure and simple. I am appalled by those that seem to take part in hero worship with this man, or any other. I have heard comments such as, "Now all my problems are over" and "I have waited a long time for this man. My life is now complete." Now if you are a minority, I can understand. If you grew up black in the 50s and 60s, I imagine this is a huge issue for you. You might have voted for him simply because he is (at least partly) black, which I do not have a real problem with. Of course that is completely different than those that voted against him because he is (at least partly) black. That my friends is sarcasm.

There will be a temptation, for those that supported his election, to support all he does. Please use logic. There will also be the temptation, by those that did not support him, to vehemently disagree with any decision he makes. I simply ask for logic and moderation. We must understand that our government is not our savior. You are responsible for your own decisions. It is my belief, that many would like the government to swoop in and rescue us in from any conundrum in which we find ourselves. (And with W as president, that seems to be what has happened) If the government can save us from ourselves, we do not have to think. Nor do we have to be held to a standard or any form of accountability. Just give everything over to the government.

We must stand up for ourselves. We are in a mess, not all caused by W, yet certainly not helped in many ways by W. Conservatives, Liberals, Centrists and everyone else need to withhold judgment, wait and see. This new president has a huge job, even in the best of times. It did not take 8 years to get in this situation, and it will take a while to get out. We cannot simply rely on others to bail us out. Be ready to work hard, and do not look to others to save you.

What will be the response from some when they see that not everything promised during campaign stops actually happens? What will happen when some see chinks in the amour and confidence?

We should all pray for wisdom for this man. He has a difficult job, he will be tested and no matter what he decides, 50% of the country will disagree with him. (If the people of the nation are paying attention)

My only hope is somehow this slope we are traveling towards socialism stops. I do not have much hope of that, yet maybe I am wrong. If it did not stop with a Republican in office, why on Earth would it stop with a Democrat in office? But what do I know?

The one thing we know for sure, President Obama is a smart man, and a shrewd politician. He will say many things that sound good to many. Let's see what happens.

Just one opinion.


  1. Not bad--you're getting closer to controversial material. You'll know it when you hit it---you'll have double-digit comments right away.

    By the way, I was down at the National Mall for the Inauguration, and it was about -50 with the wind chill. I would have loved it if the government would have given me something warm to drink, or a free hot dog, or some popcorn. I would have gladly given my tax dollars to support those efforts.

  2. I did not vote for Obama, but I agree that I shouldn't automatically disagree with or hate everything he says or does. It is because of this that I plan on naming my first two children "Hope" and "Change". it at all ironic that my last name is Raider???
