Thursday, January 29, 2009

Stimulus Plan. Really?

Our politicians are at it again. The same folks who helped us get into the current financial mess are going to get us out. At least that is what they say. We have no money. That is what a deficit is. Spending more than you have. Which means we are borrowing more and more, and the deficit increases. We used up all the Social Security we could borrow from when Clinton was in office, that is how we had a "balanced budget." Then Bush II spent and spent and spent, including money we did not have. Now we have Obama. Surely he will learn from the mistakes of his predecessors and put a stop to frivolous spending projects.

So we have this stimulus package presented by the House. In my opinion, one of the main reasons we have this problem is from ridiculous additions to bills. This current package has funds included for neighborhood stabilization activities, dollars targeted for the National Endowment of the Arts, money to fight Sexually Transmitted Disease, a line item for preventing cigarette smoking, and other non-essential programs will be given aid as well. What happened to fiscal responsibility? That was one of the hallmarks of the Obama campaign. Where has that gone?

The Republicans currently are against this plan. Let's not let them fool us. The only reason they are against this is because the Democrats are in power. They make the same horrible mistakes when they are in control. Why do we let these people continue to make these mistakes? Why do the American people sit by and let these "leaders" and "representatives" continue to spend us into oblivion? Why do we think they can make better decisions this year than last?

In case you do not pay attention, when a politician says he/she brought a certain amount of money into their district, they mean they placed a line item to a bill and it was decided that tax money was better spent going to his/her district. If the good people of Alaska want a statue, they should pay for it, not me. In North Carolina, we received some federal funds for a tea pot museum. So, thanks to all corners of the country. See how ridiculous that is?

We must hold the politicians accountable for their decisions. While I do not think it is the government's responsibility to create jobs, if they say they are going to do that they cannot spend the funds allotted to stop STDs or purchase art.

Just one opinion.

1 comment:

  1. A teapot museum?!? Are you kidding me?!?
    You are NOT welcome.
    With love from Georgia.
