While we fuss and fret over a "stimulus" package that our leaders in Washington are dangling to save the free world, other business is occurring. President Obama has issued an executive order requiring union labor for all large-scale federal construction projects. This order restores a rule the Clinton administration created, and was rescinded during the latest Bush administration.
According to the Associated Press, the order requires federal agencies to have all contractors negotiate with union officials, recognize union wages and abide by all collective bargaining agreements.
By most accounts, when unions are involved, construction costs increase between 10 and 20 percent. Apparently there are 84% of American construction workers who have not joined a labor union. So this means those workers are discriminated against.
Why is all of this happening? Is this the Hope and Change Obama's supporters wanted? By the way this is the 4th union friendly executive order signed since Obama took office. He has only been there since January 20!!! Why on this rapidly warming Earth is Obama so interested in union happenings that he has already helped them with 4 executive orders?
In case anyone does not know, to rise to the office of president, a person requires a whole lot of help from a whole lot of sources. I don't know when it began, but Democrats for a number of years have been tied to unions. Remember all the campaign promises about Hope and Change? We were told we would not see politics like we have seen in the past. There would be a break from the types of allegiances and alliances we have observed from Washington D.C. politicians from the past. We need not pretend that Obama is above all this. Are we surprised our current president is tied to unions? Well of course he is. He came from Chicago. For years and years to be successful in politics in Chicago you need to have ties to big labor.
The party that brought you Change and Hope will discriminate against 84% of construction workers in this country. The party that tells you they are working for you will block a large number of hard working Americans from earning a living. This party is going to take the taxes we pay, and reward it to unions. Unions, throughout the years, have used intimidation and fear to get their way. Certainly they did some good in the past, yet we only need look at the American auto industry to see how a union can destroy.
Hope and Change indeed.
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